Spur Impact


Spur Capital Partners’ mission is to align with industry best practices to limit issues that might have a material, negative impact on the performance of Spur investment funds. As a fund-of-funds manager,Spur Capital Partners’ fiduciary obligation is to Limited Partners of each investment vehicle that it manages. The Investment Committee’s responsibility is to select opportunities that have the greatest potential to enhance performance. While Spur’s primary objective is to deliver positive performance for each Spur fund, Spur will not do so at the expense of its investment principles or integrity as an organization.

Spur Capital Partners (Spur) is a signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Initiative. PRI is an international network of investors working together to put principles for responsible investment into practice. Spur makes reasonable efforts to encourage its underlying managers to uphold responsible investment principles.

Guiding Principles

Operating as a Responsible investor is an ongoing, iterative process. We aim to enhance our effectiveness in implementing this policy and the principles set forth.
We maintain an ongoing awareness of all factors, ESG or otherwise, that can materially affect risk and return for our limited partners.
We maintain a transparent investment strategy and process so our limited partners know how their capital is invested.
We regularly review our internal policies and procedures to ensure monitoring and investment practices are in line with industry standards.
We maintain regular dialogue with investment managers and continue oversight after an investment has been made.

ESG Factors

We strive to understand how ESG-related principles could affect our investment decision-making process. Given the structure of our organization as a fund of funds, we do not select underlying portfolio companies outside of making direct portfolio company investments. That said, we have and may support managers who we believe make responsible investment decisions that may, ex- post, include some or all of categories listed below:


We may support investment managers whose investment strategy addresses environmental topics such as:

  • Developing new technologies, products and markets (e.g., sustainable products and services)
  • Limiting consumption of scarce natural resources
  • Preventing pollution and contamination of land, air and water
  • Promoting shared transportation, clean energy, and sustainable food sources


We do not knowingly support investment managers who:

  • Discriminate based on age, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or disability
  • Promote or support hostile work environments
  • Disregard the benefits of gender and ethnic diversification
  • Do not comply with international conventions of human rights


We aim to promote sound ethical practices and encourage investment managers in which we have an interest to:

  • Avoid corrupt and unethical business practices
  • Promote sound business ethics
  • Promote transparency and accountability
  • Stimulate necessary checks and balances within an organization

Prohibited Sectors

We strive to avoid investments in companies or investment managers engaged in illegal economic activity or who have a substantial focus on any of the following activities:

  • Weapons or weapon-specific components
  • Child labor or forced labor in violation of law
  • Produce anti-personnel mines
  • Develop or proliferate weapons of mass destruction


The implementation of this policy is a responsibility for the Investment Team within the Spur organization. Spur employees are aware of the content of this policy and will work in accordance with Spur principles. Once a year the Spur Capital Partners Investment Committee will review the information reported by Spur’s portfolio managers and analyze the due diligence findings. In addition, we will promote acceptance and implementation of the principles within the investment industry. This policy is effective as of December 1, 2021 and will be periodically reviewed and amended as appropriate.

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